Join us Sundays at 10:00 & 11:00AM,   Wednesdays at 7:00PM

Love God…. love people

(Matthew 22:37-39)


Because we believe all people matter to God and that Christ’s message and ministry through the local church is the hope of the world, we will become an equipping and mobilizing church that transforms our world for Jesus Christ.


The mission of a church must be the mission of its founder, Jesus Christ. When Jesus was asked what the most important thing to God was, He responded that it was to love God and to love people (Matthew 22:35-40). Everything we do, all that we strive to be, should be to fulfill these two commands. There is a reason Jesus said these are the most important.

The first command is for us to love God. We love God because of who He is and what He has done, what He is now doing and will do for all eternity. We love God because He is the Creator of all things, the redeemer of those who believe, the giver of every good and perfect gift, and the preserver of His people. We love God because He is good, because He is faithful and because He is full of grace and mercy. He is altogether holy and just.

We would express that love first in our families and then in mutual love and care for our church family and those in our community. Because that was the mission statement of the eternal God, Faith Baptist Church exists to create a thriving, exciting, loving, and safe environment for people to learn about and practice loving God and following Jesus Christ regardless of who they are or where they have come from. Our mission of loving people must be an outgrowth of loving God and following the example of Jesus Christ. When we genuinely love unconditionally as He loved—selflessly—without judgment or expectations, only then can we be the hands and feet of Jesus to our present community and to the ends of the world. Our love for God is never greater than the love we demonstrate to others. Our mission is to engage our entire membership in this most important mission, to love God and to love people.


  1. By preaching and teaching the full council of God on age-appropriate levels to every member of our church. This objective can be accomplished through Sunday School, curriculum, mentoring, discipleship, camps, men’s and women’s discipleship programs and activities, etc.
  2. By acknowledging the worth and value of every person regardless of social status, race, or failures, we accept people where they are and endeavor to bring them, by faith journey, to where God would have them to be.
  3. By developing a culture of servant leadership that puts the needs and wellbeing of others before ourselves.
  4. By a commitment to the Great Commission. Matthew 28:18-20 tells us to be Jesus in our own neighborhoods and to the ends of the earth, realizing that missions is the heartbeat of God and the mission of the church. Every member of the church needs to know how to lead a person to Christ and disciple others to be Christ followers.
  5. By recognizing that the Holy Spirit has given to every believer certain supernatural capacity to succeed in his/her Christian life and service. We call these spiritual gifts. We believe that it is the responsibility of the leadership (Ephesians 4:11,12) to help every member of the body to discover his/her spiritual gift, understand how to use that gift in a church setting, and help place him/her in areas of service that utilize his/her unique giftings.
  6. By acknowledging the sanctity of every life, born and pre-born and to do all that we can to promote a culture of life.
  7. By helping families to become the strong units that God intended, to be the cornerstone of the church and society. To constantly be preparing the youth of our church to become the leaders of tomorrow and to carry on the faith.
  8. By becoming a “culturally relevant” ministry that continually and intentionally seeks to know the state of the flock and the community in which we live and to develop a mindset that seeks to answer the questions that people are asking and to help give Biblical counsel to their circumstances.