Revive Class
The Revive Class is a group of college and young adult individuals who desire to know God on a deeper level and pursue Him passionately. We believe it is critical that this generation of believers is both Biblically and practically equipped to engage the questions and challenges facing our world today. As a group, we seek to achieve this by studying the Bible in a small-group type setting with open and honest discussion, serving together to help meet needs in our local community and by strengthening relationships with one another through activities and times of fellowship. We'd love for you to be part of this group as we strive together to impact the commuity around us with the gospel message. This class meets in the downstairs Sunday School hall and is taught by Mr. Seth Campbell.
The College & Young Adult Ministry meets downstairs at the following times: Every Sunday @ 10:00AM and first three (3) Wednesdays of each month @ 7:00PM.
*On the fourth Wednesday of every month we meet at Starbucks in Madison Heights @ 6:45PM